Monday, February 22, 2016

             45 Days Beginner Program

Do You Have Time to Exercise??
Do you really not have enough time in your day to exercise? Too many times people say, “I need to exercise but I do not have enough time in the day.” Or, when they do have the time they only have the energy to lie down and watch TV. Whether you are on travel working late hours or at home dealing with work, family, and other after school events, the schedule below or some version of it will help you get over the hump.
Exercise is anything other than sleeping or sitting. Even when you are on the floor flat on your back or stomach you can exercise the torso with abdominal exercise or back other torso exercises. The pushup is a great “laying down” exercise and an abdominal crunch is just a little bit harder than sleeping. An hour a day is a nice goal to achieve to increase your fitness level and overall health, but even 10-15 minutes is better than nothing and beneficial too.
Fitting fitness into a day is a challenge we all face. Exercising is tough after long hours of working at home, office or on the road, but Americans still need to workout as we are creating a generation of people who are obese and have other PREVENTABLE health disorders. Many people who struggle to fit fitness into their schedule actually do a better job at getting the job done IF they take 15-20 minutes prior to starting work for the day and 15-20 minutes after work is done for the day. Even if that exercise is a simple walk before breakfast and after dinner, a 15-20 minute walk at each of these times can significantly help you burn calories that only wind up getting stored as fat. In fact, after any meal, a light walk and some calisthenics will help you to be more energized and ready to do whatever.
Here is a busy day schedule I typically do when long days appear:
0600 – Early wake up for get 20-30 minutes of some form of cardio done like running, biking, swimming. If on the road, find a pool in a hotel to really wake up for the day.
0700 – Eat Breakfast for energy for the day.
0800 – Work
1000 – Work - Eat a snack
1230 – Eat lunch
1:15 – Walk a few minutes
1:30 – Work
4:00 – Work – Eat a snack
6:00 – Break for dinner
7:00 – Walk or Lift weights or PT for second wind of the long day
8:00 – Continue work until midnight if needed
Personally, when I have to work 15-18 hour days, I like to get a cardio workout completed the first thing in the morning. This wakes me up fully and I am ready to handle the day ahead. Then, eat a good breakfast full of protein, carbohydrates, and plenty of water. Then pack a snack for about mid morning like an apple, orange, yogurt or a nutrition bar. This will help you from being a ravenous eater at lunch if eating in a restaurant. For lunch have a green leafy salad with some form of lean meat like chicken or fish or boiled eggs. Then, take a 10-15 minute walk to help keep the metabolism going for the afternoon. Afternoon working is much easier if you lay off the breads, simple sugars and focus on eating protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber rich foods.
After working the rest of the day, break for a medium sized dinner and try to squeeze in a short workout of weights, calisthenics or if you do not have those facilities, just walk again. But, I find a lifting session or PT really gives me the second wind I need to keep working or playing with the family.
I hope these tips will be of use to you as they are common issues seen today. Remember something is better than nothing so at least get out and walk a few times a day

The Five Phases of Fitness (Psychological)
Below are the five phases we all go through when starting a new fitness program no matter what fitness level we are.
1) Make a decision to get healthy...This takes 3-4 seconds but it takes about 2-3 weeks to make a habit - hang in there at least that long...and BUILD GOOD HABITS.

2) You doubt yourself. It is absolutely natural to have doubts about what you are undertaking. My advice is to start doubting yourself as quickly as possible and get over it. Realize self doubt is part of the process...Even SEAL trainees doubt themselves, but those who become SEALs conquer their doubt.

3) Conquer Doubt - You can do anything you set your mind to. That is what you just told yourself. This is where the mind and body connect. Use the workouts to be a catalyst in all areas of your life: work, relationships, school, etc...I am a firm believer that exercising your body will give you the stamina and energy to exercise your mind spirit and build better relationships with those around you...

4) Associate yourself with fit and healthy people. Now you are fit in mind and body. Your example will inspire others. Be a role model to another heavy person. People will be amazed by your new work ethic and work and play. Eating healthy is now a habit for you too...In fact eating crappy food makes you feel ill slightly..

5) Set and conquer a goal for yourself. Whatever you like - run, swim bike weight lift...Challenge yourself to run a 10k, lift 400 lbs etc.

The Father Hoog Story Motivation To Change Your Life – From Overweight to Healthy
Changing your life and deciding to do something different because you yearn to is something you read about, but I am here to tell you it can happen to you at any time in your life. Most of us all say to ourselves, "One day, I'd like to do that." One day two men meet for the first time. One, a 52 year old Catholic priest and the other a 28 year old Navy SEAL Lieutenant. The two could never have foreseen the effect they would have on each others lives. I personally know first hand because I am Stew Smith, the Navy SEAL lieutenant. The priest, Father Hoog, who was from St. Mary's in Annapolis, waited at his table at the Naval Academy Restaurant. I was stationed at the Naval Academy and in charge of the remedial physical fitness program at the time, so I was accustomed to talking to people about fitness. But never had I undertaken such a project. Father Hoog's goal was to become a Navy Chaplain after almost 25 years as a civilian Catholic priest. I knew this was not going to be easy to accomplish and I figured I would put as much into his program as Father Hoog did. Our first visit, was spent getting to know each other and I soon found myself talking about my choice to convert to Catholicism. The first meeting went well as we discovered we both could contribute to each other's lives. We decided that we would meet weekly to exercise and my job was to alter his weekly fitness program to meet the goals specified by the Navy. In turn Father Hoog helped me find faith in the Catholic Church and God. He was always willing to answer my basic questions about Catholicism and faith. Father Hoog had to lose over eighty pounds, be able to do over 40 pushups, 60 situps and run a mile and a half under 13:00. The first week, we took a benchmark test to see where he should begin. Father Hoog could walk a mile, but not run at all. Pushups on his toes, which was the requirement, were nonexistent and his weak lower back was preventing him from being able to do situps. His high blood pressure was an issue as well and he was on medication for it. Week one for Father Hoog was a week of walking, stretching, a few knee pushups and crunches. Everyday, I would see Father Hoog walking around the Naval Academy Campus. It was good to see he was determined to start, but would he keep up the vigor? We also realized that he had to watch the sweets, but decided not to start a rigorous diet the same week as an exercise routine.

Exercise to a sedentary person is stressful enough, I did not want to add to the stress, so we decided to wait a month or so before we added a strict diet program. We tripled his water intake, for if there is such thing as a magic solution to losing weight it is WATER. He was drinking nearly a gallon a day and barely able to make it through an entire mass without rushing to the rest room. But the water helped flush his system, enabled the body to burn fat as an energy source more efficiently, and kept his body cool during exercise. Within a few weeks, father Hoog showed no signs of weight loss and was getting frustrated. He was building muscle in areas that were inactive before, but he was losing fat at the same time. Father Hoog did not notice the change in body composition by the scale, but he did notice by the tape measure and the tighter notch on his belt. This was pleasing to both of us, but we still had 75 pounds to go.

Two months into the fitness program, we decided to start monitoring food intake. I made him write down everything he put into his mouth. This proved to be the area where he needed the most help and the documentation of every piece of candy in between meals helped him realize that. Soon he had given up M&Ms, cookies and other sugary snacks for apples, oranges and other fruits. The water consumption helped out in this area as well, for most people confuse hunger with dehydration. A quart of water during the late morning and afternoon helped curb his appetite for lunch and afternoon snacking. It all made sense to him as I mentioned these tips, but changing dietary habits that are 50 years old is as challenging as beginning an exercise program. But Father Hoog was well on his way physically, so I started to have as much faith as he had determination. This was the month that his doctor reduced the high blood pressure medicine as well. So we were making progress. "You do not get out of shape overnight, you can't expect to get back into shape overnight either.

" I told him. So with that, he shifted into long term mode, which took off the stress on weigh in days. At the sixth month, we had seen much progress. Father Hoog was now running with me for a few miles, then walking a bit in between. Father Hoog started running by just completing 50 yards at a time then walking 50 yards to catch his breath. We repeated this several time during the run / walk. This workout seemed to help rejuvenate the metabolism and melted nearly fifty pounds of Father Hoog away by Spring. It is not easy losing fifty pounds during the winter months, most people in the Northeast gain weight since it is colder outside and fewer activities available. But Father Hoog was now weighing just 230 pounds, could run the mile and a half in the prescribed time and pass the pushup and situps test. Our calisthenics program had paid off. Hundreds of repetitions of pushups, crunches, squats and even pullups and dips, helped Father Hoog add the strength he needed to pass the Navy Physical Fitness Standards for a fifty year old man. Now it was a battle with just thirty pounds.

And of course, Father Hoog's own battle not to just pass the standards with the minimums, but he wanted to ace the standards and receive the highest score possible for his age group. This appealed to the Navy SEAL in me naturally, I always disregarded the minimum scores and only saw the maximums as goals. I was amazed! He was still determined to keep on pressing. Accomplishing the physical fitness testing goals were a big relief for us both, but we had no idea how hard the next thirty pounds would be. It was about Easter time now, eight months into Father Hoog's mission of becoming a Navy Chaplain and my mission of becoming Catholic. All along, Father Hoog helped straighten out the Catholics churches views on many controversial topics as well as explain the basics. I was able to do my first Confession with Father Hoog during the Easter week services and I soon was Catholic. My wife and I took the RCIA classes together, but she was born Catholic. It was good for both of us, especially since I surprised her one day almost a year earlier with the announcement I wanted to become Catholic. The ninth month was depressing. It was the third month in a row on little or no weight loss. Father Hoog only lost five pounds in three months. With twenty five pounds to go, we had to change something to stimulate more weight loss.

Father Hoog was stuck on a plateau, so I pushed him off with a course of weight training, more running, swimming and biking. This was the boost Father Hoog needed. Not only did these add challenges to his physical fitness program, it changed to tone of the workouts as well. The workouts were not easier, just different. The change in pace seemed to work. After another two months, we were back on the road to losing weight steadily. Only fifteen more pounds to go. Now Father Hoog's running had skyrocketed to as many as ten miles nonstop. He could do ten pullups, over 60 pushups and 75 situps. Father Hoog well surpassed the maximum scores for his age group. He was now chasing the age group of Navy men ten years younger than him.

Then the day came! The day we stepped on the scales and he had lost all the weight he needed to lose. The scales tipped at a "lean, mean, preaching machine" of 200 pounds. We jumped, we hugged, we cried and thanked God. It was a moment I will never forget, in fact it has changed my life in many ways. Two months later, the Navy came to St. Mary's in Annapolis. The church held a ceremony for Father Hoog and I was the Naval Officer who got to swear Father Hoog into the Naval Chaplain Corp. This was an especially happy month for me. My wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Mary Elizabeth. Father Hoog was one of the first guests we had that day and Mary received her

first blessing. Once again, Father Hoog impressed upon me that faith and love were as much a part of his life as hard nose determination. The Navy needed a man like Father Hoog and now has him. I was addicted - addicted to that feeling of helping people reach their personal goals. I am now out of the Navy and started a fitness consultant business as well as freelance writing. I now have four fitness books published in the past three years. All using the same principles that I used with Father Hoog. In fact, my most recent book was dedicated to Father Hoog - Maximum Fitness. It features a 52 week workout program, nutritional chapter as well as hundreds of pictures to show beginners how to do the exercises properly. I also write a weekly fitness column for and have my own website - , which is dedicated to helping people reach their fitness goals.

Getting Started
The following stretching plan will assist you with getting started again safely and without as much post-exercise soreness.
Too many people above the age of 30 get injured no matter what they are doing. From shoveling snow, a pick-up basketball game and simply walking across a parking lot in winter, most injuries are strains or muscle pulls that can be prevented with a few simple stretching exercises done daily. The added flexibility will not only assist in injury prevention, but with speed workouts, better enable you to run faster. The following is a stretching routine that can be used whether you are a beginner or advanced athlete.
The Television Workout Option:
Did you know that there are 10 minutes of commercials for every 30 minute TV show? If you watch TV for an hour and exercise during the commercials, you can actually receive 20 minutes of metabolism charging exercise. See the TV Option Workout in the back or buy the TV Watcher’s Workout for the complete Twelve Week plan.

The Stretching Program
Increasing one’s flexibility should be the first goal before starting a fitness program. In fact, if you are thinking about beginning a fitness program and you have been idle for many years, you should stretch for an entire week prior to starting running, lifting weights, or doing any calisthenics exercise. It is OK to walk to warm up however. So, your first 1-2 weeks of starting a fitness program should consist of the following stretches 1-2 times a day, drinking 2-3 liters of water a day, and walking, biking or some other non-impact low intensity cardio activity for 10-15 minutes.

Follow the stretching chart after your workout. Hold these stretches or do these movements for at least 15-20 seconds each:
Shoulder Shrugs
Chest / Bicep Stretch
Arm/Shoulder Stretch
Tricep/Back Stretch (half moon)
Stomach Stretch
Lowerback Stretch
ITB / Hip
Calf Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Thigh Stretch - standing of laying on floor
Stretch in this order to aid in major muscle group stretching. Stretching the connecting groups of the thighs and hamstrings first will assist in a more thorough stretch of the hams and thighs – the major muscle groups of the body.

Stretching and Warming Up:-
Holding these stretches for 15-20 seconds is the best way to end your workout. Do not bounce when performing these stretches and inhale deeply for three seconds, hold for three seconds and fully exhale. Do this twice per stretch. This will take you to the 15-20 second time minimum for holding these stretches for optimal results.

Explanations of the Stretches:-
Arm / Shoulder Circles - Rotate your shoulders slowly in big circles forward and reverse for 15 seconds each direction and as if you were swimming the backstroke and front crawl stroke.

Chest / Shoulder / Upper Back Stretch:-
 Grab onto pole or wall and twist opposite of your arm until you feel the stretch in your chest and shoulder connection. Repeat with the other arm. Option two the swimmer stretch: If you can grab your hands behind your back and pull your shoulders back standing upright with chest out. Then role the shoulders forward and take chin to chest.

Arm Shoulder stretch:-
Grab arm with opposite arm and pull it across the body stretching the rear shoulder and upperback. Rotate hands with thumbs down.

Shoulder rotations:-
This movement helps warm up the rotator cuff of the shoulder joint and is a great one to do if you are about the throw a ball or just need to work on full range of motion of the shoulder.

Torso Twists:-
 Stay in the same position but now twist to the left and right trying to keep your hips facing forward.

Triceps into Back Stretch:-
Place both arms over and behind your head. Grab your right elbow with your left hand and pull your elbow toward your opposite shoulder. Lean with the pull. Repeat with the other arm.

Abdominal Stretch:-
Lie on your stomach. Push yourself up to your elbows. Slowly lift your head and shoulders and look up at the sky or ceiling. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat two times.

Lowerback Stretch #1:-
Cat Stretch – Get on all fours as shown and bow your back. Try to take your head as close to your shoulders as possible. Put your chin to your chest and hold for 10 seconds.

Lowerback Stretch #2:-
Lie on your left side. Place your top leg in front of you. Slowly twist your torso until your shoulders touch the floor. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat on the right side.

As you may know, the lower back is the most commonly injured area of the body. Many lower back problems stem from inactivity, lack of flexibility, and improper lifting of heavy objects. Stretching and exercising your lower back will help prevent some of those injuries.

Hip / outer thigh stretch:-
 Sit down with your left leg crossed over your right leg. Grab the left leg with both hands around the thigh / shin (with leg bent) and pull toward your chest / then twist. Repeat with the other leg.

Calf Stretch into Achilles Tendon Stretch:-
Stand with one foot 2-3 feet in front of the other. With both feet pointing in the same direction as you are facing, put most of your body weight on your leg that is behind you - stretching the calf muscle.
Now, bend the rear knee slightly. You should now feel the stretch in your heel. This stretch helps prevent Achilles tendonitis, a severe injury that will sideline most people for about 4-6 weeks.

Down Dog Pose:-
Stretch the back of the legs and lowerback with this relaxing yoga pose. Hold for 15-30 seconds Try to keep your heels on the floor.

Hamstring Stretch:-
From the standing or sitting position, bend forward at the waist and touch your toes. Keep your back straight and slightly bend your knees. You should feel this stretching the back of your thighs.

Thigh Stretch Standing:-
Standing, bend your knee and grab your foot at the ankle. Pull your heel to your butt and push your hips forward. Squeeze your butt cheeks together keep your knees close together. Hold for 10-15 seconds and repeat with the other leg.( You can hold onto something for balance if you need to OR you can lie down on your hip and perform this stretch.

Tender Shin Exercises:- If you get shin splints from running or walking, here are two great exercises to build your shins. Stand on your heels for 10-15 seconds. Repeat a few times and even throughout the day to build your shins. Prior to walking and running, do the foot flex / stretch exercise (2/3 pics) 30-40 times each leg.

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