Weight Gain

How To Build Your Own Personalized                            
                          Meal Plan

Lesson One - Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)
RMR is the minimum calories your body needs to maintain the simplest body functions throughout the day. It does NOT include the physical activity of any kind.
To determine RMR I like to use the revised Harris - Benedict equation, which in my humble opinion provides the most accurate estimation especially when instead of the Total Body Mass (TBM) we use Lean Body Mass (LBM).
In order to use this equation you would need three things: your height, your age (so far so good), and your LBM.
TBM is a sum of your LBM and your fat tissue. But since the fat tissue doesn't require too much energy (it's energy itself) why feed it? So, instead of using total body mass (TBM) in the formula we are going to use lean body mass (LBM).
But how do you know your LBM? First, you need to find out what your body fat percentage is.
You can do that in three ways: You can get calipers that are made for self-testing or if your funds allow you can buy a more accurate professional caliper.
If this is not an option then you can stop by your local gym and politely ask a trainer to measure your body fat. Most likely he/she will...
Or you can use the table below. Obviously it's not very precise since it's based on your own perception of your body shape:
                                                               Males                                       Females
Exceptionally Lean                                     6-10%                                   10-15%
Very Lean                                                 11-14%                                  6-19%
Lean                                                         15-18%                                   20-25%
Moderate                                                  19-24%                                  26-29%
Obese                                                        25%+                                     30%+

Now that you know your body fat percentage, use this equation:
Total Body Mass (TBM) - Body Fat = Lean Body Mass (LBM)
Body Fat = TBM * Body Fat Percentage (as a decimal value)

Let's say you weigh 200 LB and you have 15% body fat (or 85% of your body weight is fat free). The easiest way to find your LBM is:
200 * 0.85 = 170LB Lean Body Mass (LBM).
In order to be able to use your LBM value in the Harris-Benedict formula you need to convert the result above in kg (kilograms).
If you live in Europe or anywhere else where the metric system is used you already know this value. But if you know your LBM only in LB, you need to do this:
Let's take the LBM value from above: 170
170 / 2.2 = 77 kg
You will also need your height in cm (centimeters) and your age. If you use the imperial system you need to convert inches in cm.
One foot has 12 inches. One inch equals 2.54 cm.
Let's assume you are 6’2
6’2 = ((6 * 12) + 2) * 2.54 = 74 * 2.54 = 187.96 or approx. 188 cm

Now that you know these two values, one thing that's left is your age. You don't need a formula for that.
For the purpose of the example let us say you are 25 years of age.
Here is the revised Harris - Benedict equation using the LBM instead of TBM:
Male: 88.362 + (4.799 * height in cm) + (13.397 * LBM in kg) - (5.677 * age)
Female: 447.593 + (3.098 * height in cm) + (9.247 * LBM in kg) - (4.330 * age)
Now, just for the example I'm going to apply the values from above for a male:
88.362 + (4.799 * 188) + (13.397 * 77) - (5.677 * 25) = 88.362 + 902.212 + 1031.569 - 141.925 = 1880.218 or approximately 1880 Cal
There you have it. Your RMR is 1880 Cal a day. This might seem like a lot of math but following the example will be really easy. So, pull that calculator out the drawer and find out your RMR!

Youth and Beginner Bodybuilding /                            Weight Training

The following is a routine I would suggest a beginner or teenager should start

1. Bench Press
2. Dumbbell Flyes
3. Bent Over Row
4. Upright Row
5. Military Press
6. Squats
7. Calf Raises
8. Barbell Curl
9. Triceps Extensions
10. Reverse Crunches

How much weight, how many sets and reps are normally the next most logical
questions. The sets and reps part is relatively easy and should follow the schedule I have
provided. This systematic set and rep approach is designed to gradually increase your
workload. As a reference, 1 x 10 stands for 1 set of 10 repetitions. So 2 x 10 is 2 sets of
10 repetitions and 3 x 10 is 3 sets of 10 repetitions. In the beginning, the amount of rest
between sets should be about 1 to 1 ½ minutes. Always work to reduce this down. Try to
set a goal of resting no longer than 30 seconds between sets, just long enough to catch
your breath.

Week 1: 1 x 10
Week 2: 2 x 10
Week 3: 3 x 10
Week 4 through week 6: 3 x 10

After the sixth week, adjustments need to be made depending on progress made
up to this point. The next progressive sequence would be a four-day per week schedule
working specific muscle groups together. By six weeks I mean six weeks of workouts
without missing any sessions. If a person has to miss three workouts or more in a sixweek
period they need to stay on the outlined routine for another week. Also, if you miss
a workout do not think you can go back and make it up by doing double the next workout
or the next day. A workout missed is a workout lost. There is no such thing as a makeup
As for the amount of weight to be used, depending on the age of the individual,
care must be given as to not overload the resistance in any movement. Performing
maximum lifts should be completely discouraged. Using poundage that allows ten
repetitions to be performed is what the goal should be. If twelve or more repetitions can
be performed the weight is too light. On the other hand if only eight repetitions can be
performed the weight is too heavy.
Each movement should be performed through a full range of motion, full
extension and full contraction. No half or partial movements are to be used. Beginners
often abbreviate a movement because they feel it allows them to use more weight. The
same holds true for cheating. Some will actually thrust or jerk the weight. This not only
opens one up to injury but also takes the stress off the muscle being worked. These two
situations are absolutely to be avoided

Some may question why only one exercise for the biceps and one for the triceps
as big arms are usually one of the first body parts beginners try to build. The truth is, this
routine actually provides much more than one exercise for the bicep and triceps in each
workout. They are not however direct but indirect movements. Take Monday’s routine
for example. The Bench Press, Military Press, Triceps Extensions, all work the triceps
while the Bent Over Row, Upright Row, Barbell Curl all work the biceps. So the arms are
definitely getting a good workout, but not being overworked. Beginners naturally drift
toward what they like rather than what should be done. This is why it is important to
follow the outlined routine just as outlined and in the sequence listed.

Do not at any time, strain in lifting the weights. This is not what you should be
doing. Straining can result in harm and damage internally as well as externally. The body
will not respond well if you strain and it will hinder your progress and slow your results.

                                                   Tips for success

1. Once beyond beginner status, diet will account for 75% or better of your bodybuilding
2. If you desire to gain weight, add additional calories and carbohydrates to your diet.
Get additional rest and do not participate in calorie burning activities.
3. If you desire to lose weight, consume less calories and carbohydrates in your diet. Add
additional calorie burning activities to your daily activities.
4. Never strain while performing any movement, train do not strain.
5. Pay attention to your daily hygiene.
6. Eat well-balanced meals.
7. Snack on wholesome foods, fruits and vegetables.
8. Drink at least 10 large glasses of water daily.
9. Get 8 hours of good sleep each night.
10. Avoid all tobacco and alcohol products.
11. Avoid all drugs.
12. Keep a positive outlook.
13. Don’t miss workouts.
14. Use each day to learn something new.
15. Set goals and reach them

Barbell Curl Biceps, Forearms

Stand up straight with a shoulder width grip on a
barbell. Arms hanging straight down with the bar
across your upper thighs. Keep your upper arms
pinned against your body throughout the
movement. Moving only the hands and forearms
curl the bar up in a semicircles from your thighs to
your chin. Lower the bar slowly and repeat.

Barbell Pullover Chest, Triceps,
Serratus, Upper-
Lie on your back on a flat bench. Position your
head so that it is at the very end of the bench or
hanging over just a little. Have a barbell positioned
on the floor behind your head. Reach back and
grasp the bar with a grip that is slightly narrower
than shoulder width. Pull the bar over your head
while keeping your elbows bent throughout the
movement. Lower and repeat.

Barbell Shrugs Trapezuis, Neck,
Upper Back
Stand erect holding a barbell with hands spaced
about shoulder width apart and at arms length in
front of you. Shrug your shoulders up like you are
trying to have them touch your ears. Do not bend
the elbows during the movement. Lower and

Bench Press Pectorals,
Deltoids, Triceps
Lying on your back on a flat bench, grip the barbell
slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Lower the
bar until it touches the middle of your chest. Do not
allow the bar to rest on your chest. Be sure your
upper arms travel directly out to your sides and you
keep your elbows back. Return to the starting
position and repeat.

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