Sunday, February 14, 2016

Fat burning tips

Fat Burning tip No.1

 “You can achieve a lean, impressive, standout body without working hard for it.”
The saying says that “there are no shortcuts to any place worth going”, and sculpting out a lean and defined body over the long run is no exception.
The actual step-by-step principles behind achieving this goal may not be highly complicated, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy.
Simple, yes... Easy, no.
You’ll be required to follow a properly structured nutrition plan each day, and will have to put forth a good hard effort in the gym several days per week. There will be times where you’ll be tempted to give in to laziness, but if you’re truly serious about changing your physique you’ll have to rise above and conquer this.
It’s far from the hardest thing in the world to do, but it will require a decent amount of willpower, patience and discipline on your part.
If you were expecting this to be a walk in the park, then you’re in for a disappointment. With all of the marketing hype, exaggerations and false promises in the weight loss industry, it’s no wonder that so many people think this goal can be achieved over night and without any real effort.
Well, from a genuine expert with no hidden agenda who truly cares about the success of his clients, I’m here to tell you that if you want to see serious changes in your body by burning fat, building muscle and gaining strength, you’re going to have to work for it.
After all, if it really were as easy as the fitness marketers make it out to be, then everyone would be walking around with chiseled, ripped bodies everywhere you went. If you take a good look around you the next time you’re out in public you’ll quickly see that this isn’t the case.
But that’s exactly what makes it so fulfilling and satisfying.
It’s knowing that while others are giving in to laziness, stuffing their faces with unhealthy foods and packing on the pounds as each year goes by, you’re sticking it out and being the best that you can be.
It’s about being one of the select few who walks around with their held high, sporting the rare sight of a rock-hard, shaped and sexy body.
The fact that you’ve read through this entire report shows me that you’re serious about this and that this is something you really want.

Fat Burning tip No.2

“Follow this program and lose 20 pounds of fat in 20 days!
It’s understandable that we all want to see results as quickly as possible, but when it comes to properly losing body fat, there are definite finite limits as to how much progress we can achieve within given time frames.
If your goal is to lose body fat, maintain muscle mass and achieve a lean, defined and athletic appearance, a gradual and steady approach is the only way to get there.
Any time you try to make drastic changes and drop large amounts of bodyweight over short periods of time, there will always be consequences. The human body is simply not designed to work that way, and the key to long-term, permanent fat loss is to work with your body rather than against it.
If you try to do too much too fast, your body will simply respond in a defensive way by slowing down the metabolism in order to conserve energy, wasting away lean muscle mass and secreting hormones that encourage fat storage.
While you might be able to get rid of a significant amount of bodyweight over the short term, you will inevitably experience rebound weight gain as the body fights to maintain a balanced state. You’ll eventually end up with more stored fat, a slower metabolism and a body that is programmed to gain weight easily.
So while it may be possible to “lose 20 pounds in 20 days”, this sort of method is unhealthy, ineffective and will actually make things even harder for you over the long-term.
If you’re serious about achieving high quality, long-lasting improvements in your body composition, a patient and gradual approach is truly the only way to get there.
If your program is structured properly, you should expect to experience an overall fat loss of roughly 1-2 pounds per week.
Any more than this and you’re simply moving too quickly. You’ll be dropping lean body mass at too fast of a rate, and will be increasing the likelihood of your body’s starvation responses coming into play.
If you really want to make this happen, then you’ve got to be patient and accept that the results won’t come over night. You can certainly see “fast” results in a relative sense, but if you’re expecting to lose 15 pounds for that wedding 3 weeks away, forget about it.

Fat Burning tip No.3

“The secret to dramatic fat loss lies in this pill, powder, tea or cream...”
If there existed one industry out there that could be used to encapsulate the very definition of the word “marketing hype”, weight loss supplementation would be it.
I honestly don’t know of any other market out there filled with more fairy tale logic, exaggerations and flat-out lies than this one.
Promoting an endless array of “magical” pills, powders, creams and teas to entice your interest, those in fat burning supplement industry seem to be willing to do just about anything to get their hands on your hard-earned money.
All they have to do is use fancy terms like “clinically proven”, “patented”, “scientifically formulated” and “research proven”… slap some ingredients together in a fancy bottle… place a grossly excessive price tag on it… place it on the shelves… and people will continue to fork over their cash.
Does it matter if the product actually works? No.
Does it matter if there is concrete research to support its effects? No.
Does it matter if there is any logical basis whatsoever for their claims? No.
As long as there is a compelling advertisement and an uninformed consumer willing to take the bait, this unfortunate situation will continue to perpetuate itself over and over again.
Let me make one thing clear here…
There is not a SINGLE fat loss supplement available in the ENTIRE WORLD that could ever take the place of a proper fat loss training approach and nutritional program.
If your goal is to burn body fat and achieve a lean and defined body, then an intelligent workout routine and diet is the only way to get there. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going, and the notion that the “secret” to rapid fat loss lies in this pill or that powder is completely and totally false.
Does this mean that I am totally against the use of supplements?
However, it’s very important that you see them for what they are: a very small additional boost that should be used in conjunction with a consistent workout plan and proper diet.

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